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Image by Ricardo Gomez Angel

About Our Mission & Values

The Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) restores and advocates for clean water, healthy habitats, and resilient communities to support a diverse and thriving watershed.


Through collaborative partnerships in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut, CRC leads and supports science-based efforts for natural and life-filled rivers from source to sea.


Below are the areas of interconnected impact we are focused on.

The Connecticut River watershed is a public trust resource that
invites dedicated people and integrated solutions to come together.

Group of people outdoors on grass with trees and forest hills in the background. Connecticut River Conservancy staff.

Connecticut River Conservancy staff. Meet the team here.

Our Values


We know that we are at our best when engaging with, and learning from, a diverse range of individuals and communities. We strive to cultivate diversity by seeking, welcoming, and valuing all perspectives, voices, styles, and identities, with special attention to the structural power dynamics that have disenfranchised certain peoples and communities.


By listening, learning, and developing relationships, we build partnerships at all levels, creating opportunities and resources throughout the watershed and with the communities who sustain and are sustained by our rivers.


Achieving our goals is a long-term endeavor requiring a healthy organization, meaningful programs, and a spirit of persistence. We face opportunities and challenges with optimism and creativity.


We embrace our shared responsibility for the watershed and all that lives in it. We work to hold ourselves and others accountable to reduce and repair environmental harm.

Support Connecticut River Conservancy Today

Your contribution will make a lasting impact for clean water, healthy habitats, and resilient communities in the Connecticut River watershed.

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