Tue, Apr 30
Plastic is a Hazardous Substance & Microplastic Madness
Time & Location
Apr 30, 2024, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
About the event
What is plastic--really? Why is it piling up all around us, and what can we do about it?
Join the Claremont Anti-Litter Task Force for an entertaining, inspiring, fast-moving talk about the chemistry and biological activity of plastic, including the latest studies--all in lay person's terms! , MD MPH JD, is the Public and Environmental Health Director at Cafeteria Culture, a national environmental education nonprofit, and the force behind the award-winning student-led movie, Microplastic Madness, and the national Plastic Free Lunch Day movement. Jenny will give you the real (and surprising) scoop on plastic, information that will enable you to call out misleading industry green-washing and inspire you to take action!Jenny Davies
Anyone who registers for this webinar will also recieve a link to access the film . Microplastic Madness is the true story of 56 NYC public school 5th graders who take us on a real-time learning journey. Our charming fifth grade hosts from an underserved NYC public school guide us to the depths of the ocean, the laboratories of the world's top microplastics scientists, City Hall and, finally, their school cafeteria, awash in single-use plastics. Before our eyes, our hosts create a living template to understand and devise place-based solutions to the plastic crisis--a crisis that has only accelerated since the movie was released five years ago.Microplastic Madness
Please .register here

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