Lucas McDiarmid
Lucas McDiarmid is a legislative staffer and firefighter from Western Massachusetts, hailing from the Hampden County Town of Palmer. Currently, McDiarmid serves as legislative director to Massachusetts House Speaker Pro Tem, Representative Kate Hogan. As a senior counselor to the Speaker Pro Tem, he works to support her legislative agenda, and is charged with a portfolio that includes Agriculture, Fire and Public Safety, and Clean Water.
Previously, McDiarmid served in the Massachusetts Senate as District Director to former-Senator Anne Gobi. He is the House’s lead staffer on the 21st Century Agriculture Commission. McDiarmid also serves as a firefighter with the Three Rivers Fire Department, in Three Rivers Massachusetts, where he works as a line firefighter and as the liaison officer.
Other volunteer work and service has included the Palmer Conservation Commission, where his term just ended; and his continued work with Latino Outdoors Western Massachusetts. McDiarmid lives at home with his dog, Jameson, and his cat, Lewis.