Photo courtesy of Al Braden
Give Back to the Land (and Water) Day!
Since 1952, Connecticut River Conservancy (CRC) has worked to restore and advocate for clean water, healthy habitats, and resilient communities to support a diverse and thriving watershed.
Polluted waters and degraded riverine habitat are among the great threats to biodiversity in the Connecticut River watershed. Land, wildlife, and communities suffer without clean water and life-filled streams and rivers. With summer temperatures rising and more frequent severe rain events, water quality and restored corridors are all the more important for aquatic life, to prevent dangerous bacterial blooms, and to mitigate flooding.
Your donation will make an immediate and lasting impact for watershed ecosystems, wildlife, and people.
All donations up to $10K will be matched!
All gifts through April 16th will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous donor.
Thanks to the challenge, you will have twice the impact in protecting river health and restoring habitat.
You will strengthen community science monitoring programs for water quality, aquatic invasive species, and migratory fish; fuel steady and effective advocacy for strong environmental standards on permits, regulations, and licenses; and power the organization of the annual Source to Sea Cleanup which mobilizes thousands of volunteers to remove trash, and provides data that also informs CRC’s work on solutions to stop trash before it starts.
Help CRC protect and restore the Connecticut River watershed for your community and the future with a gift today, Give Back to the Land (and Water) Day!

Other Ways to Give
Donate by Mail
Please mail your check, made out to Connecticut River Conservancy, to:
15 Bank Row, Greenfield, MA 01301
Donate by Phone
To donate by phone or to get assistance with your donation, please contact us at 413-772-2020
More Ways to Give
Learn about legacy and workplace giving, sponsorships, stock donations and more with more ways to give.
For questions about making your gift to support Connecticut River Conservancy, contact Brett at bmorrison - at - ctriver.org or call 413.772.2020 x218.